Sweating is a normal function of the body, which contributes to the regulation of body temperature. In some people, the function of the sweat glands is disturbed, causing so-called “hyperhidrosis“, i.e. excessive and often unpredictable sweating.
Hyperhidrosis (also known as sudorrhea or polyhidrosis) is a medical condition that causes over sweating, due to increased secretion of eccrine sweat glands. Excessive sweating can affect selected body parts (Focal Hyperhidrosis) or even the entire body (Generalized Hyperhidrosis).
The causes of excessive sweating may vary, including metabolic and endocrine diseases, hereditary syndromes, febrile illnesses, localized vascular diseases, etc. Although Hyperhidrosis is harmless, it can be embarrassing and may affect self-esteem.
Botulinum toxin (Neurotoxin) treatment is probably the most effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, as it offers immediate and tangible results.
At VF Laser Clinics, the necessary examination is initially carried out by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, in order to assess the size of the problem and identify the body parts that require treatment (e.g. armpits, palms, feet).
After the dermatological examination, the application of Neurotoxin follows, at the selected points. The treatment is injectable, and is done with a very fine needle, through which the Neurotoxin is injected.
At VF Laser Clinics, only Neurotoxin products that are approved by the National Organization for Medicines are used, and the application is performed exclusively by experienced and qualified dermatologists or plastic surgeons.
The treatment is quick, painless and safe, and the patient returns to daily activities immediately. Already after the first two days of treatment there is a great reduction in sweating, and the effect lasts for about 6 months.
- 100% Effective.
- Precised Treatment.
- Instant Results.
- Non-Invasive and Drug-Free.
- Virtually Painless.
- Safe, FDA Approved.
- Results can last up to 6 months.
The treatment of hyperhidrosis with Neurotoxin is applied:
• in the armpits
• on the palms
• on the feet
The treatment is for women and men from the age of 18 years and above.
The treatment is quick, painless and safe. It is usually completed in 1 session.
The results are immediate and last up to 6 months.
In recent years, neurotoxin use for aesthetic reasons has become very popular in our country. As a result, there have also been cases of malpractice, either due to inexperience and lack of expertise of the people who administered the treatment, or due to the use of unapproved neurotoxin solutions / poor maintenance or dissolution.
You should therefore be aware of the following:
- The Νeurotoxin to be used, must be of excellent quality and come with all the necessary certificates.
- The Neurotoxin should be properly preserved because it is extremely sensitive to high temperatures.
- The application to be made by a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.
- The doctor dissolves the Neurotoxin with a 0.9% NaCl saline solution. The dissolution must take place in the correct proportions and once dissolved should used immediately, as its quality deteriorates rapidly.
Leaders in Cosmetic Medicine
Hyperhidrosis (also known as sudorrhea or polyhidrosis) is a medical condition that causes over sweating, due to increased secretion of eccrine sweat glands. Excessive sweating can affect selected body parts (Focal Hyperhidrosis) or even the entire body (Generalized Hyperhidrosis).
The causes of excessive sweating may vary, including metabolic and endocrine diseases, hereditary syndromes, febrile illnesses, localized vascular diseases, etc.
Although Hyperhidrosis is harmless, it can be embarrassing and may affect self-esteem.
Botulinum toxin injections are extremely effective because they block the nerves that trigger the sweat glands. As a result, excessive sweating stops.

Where Science Meets Beauty!
Make the most of your vacation in Greece by treating yourself with advanced anti-aging therapies at unbeatable prices.
Restore your youthful complexion and get rid of excess fat at VF LASER CLINICS! Our world-class consultants, all from top teaching hospitals, will make sure that visiting Greece will be your life changing experience.
Our cutting-edge technology guarantees pain-free non-invasive procedures, zero recovery time and immediately visible results that continue to improve months after the operation. Make the most of your vacation with a same or next day free consultation!
Services specifically designed for tourists:
FACE / Anti-aging Treatments
⦁ Hyaluronic Treatment
⦁ Neurotoxin Injection Treatment
⦁ Mesotherapy
⦁ Liquid Lift
⦁ Mini Lift
⦁ Neck lift
BODY / One Hour Treatments
⦁ Cryolipolysis
⦁ Brazilian Lift
⦁ Breast Lift
⦁ Arm lift
More than 2.000 tourists changed their lives. You can be the next one!