The term gynecomastia refers to the benign swelling of one or both male breasts. It is a fairly common phenomenon, since it occurs among a large number of men.
Breast hypertrophy may be due to increased fat accumulation, enlargement of the mass gland, or a combination of the above. The causes of gynecomastia are varied, and thus gynecomastia can be attributed to both genetic and hormonal causes, as well as purely exogenous factors (e.g. medication, steroids, diuretics, etc.).
When gynecomastia is due to fat deposition (due to obesity, weight loss, etc.), it can be treated invasively with the method of Laser Liposuction.
However, if it is due to a disorder of the endocrine system, then we first need to treat the cause of the disorder, and then (if gynecomastia persists), to perform surgery.
In addition, there are cases of gynecomastia that can be treated with medication or lipolysis mesotherapy, and NO surgery is required.
- Aesthetic reconstructing of the shape and size of the breasts.
- Restoration of any deformities.
- Safe procedure, without any scars.
- Permanent result.
- Before the operation, the necessary tests are performed.
- The management of the problem is completely individualized.
- It is performed exclusively by a specialized plastic surgeon.
- The optimal invasive technique is chosen each time.
- Shorter recovery time thanks to the use of modern methods.
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The invasive method of Laser Liposuction is based on the combination of liposuction and laser.
With the help of a sophisticated laser machine, we dissolve the fat in the problematic area with extreme precision, without affecting the nearby tissues. In this way we avoid the creation of lesions to the tissues, the nerves and the blood vessels, and at the same time we significantly reduce the healing time.
Through minimally sized punctures, the surgeon inserts a laser optical fiber, which emits high-energy light beams that destroy fat cells. Then, the fat is removed by the plastic surgeon using a special cannula.
The results are permanent, since we remove the excess fat cells, reducing their total number.
If there is excess skin along with the fat, it is removed through small incisions around the nipple.
Laser liposuction is a practically painless and completely safe procedure, which is performed in most cases with local anesthesia and mild sedation in the doctor’s office, and not in a hospital.
Only when the removal of the mass gland is required at the same time, we use total anesthesia. In these cases, the procedure is performed in a clinic, from which the patient is discharged the next day.
The procedure concerns men with a diagnosed problem of gynecomastia.
In most cases, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia and mild sedation in the doctor’s office, rather than in a hospital. The patient does not need hospitalization and can return to their activities after the procedure.
Only when the removal of the mass gland is required, along with liposuction, we use total anesthesia. In these cases, the procedure is performed in a clinic, from which the patient is discharged the next day.
The patient wears a special vest immediately after the surgery.
The pain sensation is generally well tolerated and treated with painkillers. Minor swelling that may occur in the area is a normal reaction of the body and subsides quickly, within a few days.
During the first 15-20 days, the patient needs to wear the special vest and avoid any intense physical activity.
He can return to work in 3 to 5 days.
The results are evident with the regression of the swelling and bruising in 1-2 weeks. The final shape is formed in about a month.
The cost depends on the type of the problem.
At VF Laser Clinics we treat the problem of gynecomastia in a completely personalised way, in order to reduce the costs for the patient as much as possible.
Before applying any gynecomastia treatment, various medical examinations must be performed to check the form (adipose tissue, gland) and to determine the underlying causes of the problem.
It is important to know that some cases of gynecomastia (pseydogynecomastia) are treated with medication or lipolysis mesotherapy, and do NOT require surgery.