

HPV infection is one of the most common sexually-transmitted disease, as studies indicate that at least 75% of the reproductive-age population is infected with HPV virus at some point in life.

Genital warts are caused by certain types of low-risk HPV strains.  Although genital warts are not dangerous, proper diagnosis and treatment should be applied, as:

  • Within the low-risk  HPV strains there may also be high risk strains present.
  • Genital warts can be annoying.
  • They may get worse if neglected.
  • They may affect self-esteem.

It is important to note that as there is no treatment for the virus itself, all the above surgical procedures have as a goal to eliminate the existing lesions.


Laser Treatment: Extensive or tough-to-treat warts are usually destroyed with Laser CO2.

Cryotherapy: This procedure is based on freezing the genital warts with liquid nitrogen.

Electrocautery: This approach is based on the use of an electrical current (a low-voltage electrical probe) to burn off warts.

Surgical Excision: The surgeon cuts off the warts with the use of special tools.


  • A medical procedure where a small sample of cervix cells is examined with a microscope for abnormalities.
  • Pap Test can detect vaginal and cervical changes caused by genital warts.
  • It can also detect early signs of cervical cancer (pre-cancerous changes).
  • Moreover, it can reveal infections/abnormalities in the endocervix and endometrium.
  • Pap Test is painless and 100% safe.
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